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Books by Rosalie Wakefield

RW.8000 - My Book of Stitches
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#RW.8000 RW.8000 - My Book of Stitches

Developed from over 200 Millefiori embroidery designs and more than seven of Rosalie Wakefield’s books on Brazilian embroidery, including Take A Stitch, a new spin is now added to familiar stitches as hundreds of innovative ideas fill the pages in My Book of Stitches. 

This collection of dimensional embroidery ideas is meant to inspire other stitchers toward designing and creativity and may be used on any project – crazy quilts, wearable items or needlework for the home. Visit my blog at Patterns to use with some of the flowers and stitches will be posted periodically.


5.5” x 8.5” Coil Binding, 298 pages                                            

955  BOOK  An Artist’s Garden, by Rosalie Wakefield955  BOOK  An Artist’s Garden, by Rosalie Wakefield955  BOOK  An Artist’s Garden, by Rosalie Wakefield
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#955 955 BOOK An Artist’s Garden, by Rosalie Wakefield

More than 120 flowers, veggies and wildlife inhabit An Artist’s Garden, a Brazilian dimensional embroidery book by Rosalie Wakefield. Several designs have been developed to demonstrate stitches and flowers from the book.


You will need a copy of the book to complete, as shown, the design #958, "I Spy - Flower Patches". This design is suitable for a small art quilt and incorporates the majority of flowers from the book.


An Artist's Garden contains detailed photos, traceable patterns and easy-to-follow instructions for small, intermediate-level designs and will delight and entertain embroidery artists who enjoy working with lighter-weight floss.
The flowers in An Artist’s Garden are stitched with mostly lighter-weight floss, and many of these flowers are also featured in Millefiori #828 “Flower Patch” and #829 “Veggie Patch”.


Please refer to the book section at this website for other Brazilian embroidery books by Rosalie Wakefield.

914 - Lady Belle Pull914 - Lady Belle Pull914 - Lady Belle Pull
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#914 914 - Lady Belle Pull

All instructions, photograph and a fabric print are included with this bell pull design that introduces seven oval designs with flowers from the book, My LadyFlowers, by Rosalie Wakefield. A stitch guide and finishing suggestions are included with all Millefiori designs. This advanced-level Brazilian embroidery design is ideal framed for a narrow wall in your home.


Design: 4” x 22”



913 - Pearls913 - Pearls
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#913 913 - Pearls

All instructions are included with this delightful design that introduces nine new flowers and floral combinations from the book, My LadyFlowers, by Rosalie Wakefield. A stitch guide and finishing suggestions are included with all Millefiori designs. This is an advanced level Brazilian embroidery design.


Design: 9” x 12”



912 - Charms912 - Charms912 - Charms
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#912 912 - Charms

The front and back cover designs from the book, My LadyFlowers, will be available soon with all instructions and a fabric print.  The book itself is sold out.   Please email me about price and availability.

Twenty small oval designs may be stitched and finished as a pillow top or small art quilt. “Charms” is a companion print to the book’s front cover design, #911 “Jewels”.

Click the pictures to see a larger, detailed picture of one of the LadyFlowers -- Pansy.


Design: 14” x 14”



911 - Jewels911 - Jewels911 - Jewels
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#911 911 - Jewels

The front and back cover designs from the book, My LadyFlowers, will be available soon with all instructions and a fabric print.  The book itself is sold out.   Please email me about price and availability.
Twenty small oval designs may be stitched and finished as a pillow top or small art quilt. “Jewels” is a companion print to the book’s back cover design, #912 “Charms”.
"Jewels" is an advanced-level Brazilian embroidery design. Click the pictures to see larger, detailed versions of the LadyFlowers. The small flower features The Comma, used for Camille and decorated with Queen Anne’s Lace.


Design: 14” x 14”



910 - BOOK  My LadyFlowers910 - BOOK  My LadyFlowers910 - BOOK  My LadyFlowers
Click image for detail

#910 910 - BOOK My LadyFlowers

 My LadyFlowers is sold out. The front and back cover designs - fabric prints with ALL instructions - are being sold separately.  Please inquire via email as to availability and pricing.
Designs #913 and #914 are currently available as fabric prints with all instructions


#914 – Lady Belle Pull                                                4”x22” - $12.00

#913 – Pearls                                                              9”x12” - $12.00

#912 – Charms (book back cover design print)         14”x14”

#911 – Jewels  (book front cover design print)          14”x14” 

903 - BOOK ABCs for Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery903 - BOOK ABCs for Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery903 - BOOK ABCs for Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery
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903 - BOOK ABCs for Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery

This book is now out of print, but #904 "Alphabet Flower Sampler" has instructions for all of the flowers arranged in a small double frame, and #900 "Welcome" has the design letters in a slightly smaller version.

ABCs for Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery is a book of patterns for 3” floral motifs – double designs for each number and letter of the alphabet, with  52 easy-stitch flowers for transfer to clothing or accessories, or for monogrammed items. Tucked in among the flowers are 54 “Warm Fuzzies” (cats and dog, birds and bees, bunnies, bugs and butterflies).  

880 - Take A Stitch880 - Take A Stitch880 - Take A Stitch
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#880 880 - Take A Stitch

Take A Stitch: This book is now sold out. I will have fabric prints and all instructions available for the cover design #876 "Ruth's Gazebo" soon. A fabric print with all instructions for the back cover design #879 "Cutie Pies" will also be available soon. These two cover designs will be sold separately. Please check with me by email. Thank you.


#8015 - Forever Flowers

#8015 #8015 - Forever Flowers

Since my first book, "My Stamp Collection", has been sold out, I've received requests for more. So I have designed another, all-new stamp collection of 50 flowers. I named it "Forever Flowers" (Millefiori #8015).

Stamp designs from the book (each 1.5" x 1") may be traced onto other fabrics separately, or the stitcher may purchase a fabric print (#8016 "Forever Flowers Print") on black, cream or white fabric.

The book, Forever Flowers retails for $25.00 (plus postage - see below)

Fabric print(s) are $8.00 each.

The book with print(s) will be shipped by USPS priority mail ($6.65 additional). Please order directly from me (email: - or the website contact address). Check or PayPal are accepted. Canadian and overseas postage rates are higher - please contact me for the amount due.


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